
About Sully

I’m a 22-year-old college student based in Connecticut. Writing has always been a passion for me, and lately, I’ve had too much fun writing blog posts to stop! I don’t want to weigh this page down with a biography, so instead I’m doing Ten Facts About Me!

  1. I’m a video game enthusiast; I’ve been obsesed with GTA lately.
  2. I have the sweetest dog, a Chihuahua Mix, named Darcy. I love her beyond words.
  3. I’m a certified bookworm. I somehow managed to read 45 books last year! This year aiming for 65.
  4. Most of my favorite movies are animated movies. The Croods, Rio, The Increadibles, Finding Dory, you name it.
  5. I love swimming.
  6. I love getting in my car and going for a long drive.
  7. If I pass a Chic-Fil-A, I’m pulling over.
  8. My lifelong dream is to open a dog sanctuary one day.
  9. If I could own anything in the word, I would ask for a TARDIS.
  10. I love anything with a good romance. Books, movies, TV Shows, you name it.
